Sign Modification Project

In order to do a good job of this project, you will need to review the Photoshop Selection Tools post. Those tools will be essential if you are going to do a good job of this, because every sign is a little different, so these instructions will not tell you how to do this step-by-step!

For this assignment, you will take a photograph of a sign and modify it to remove elements and add in new elements that look realistic. PLEASE USE ONE OF THE PHOTOS I HAVE PROVIDED. If you want to use something else, you MUST DISCUSS IT WITH ME FIRST.

Click this link to choose one of these signs, please

It is possible that you MIGHT find something useful on Unsplash. If you want to look there, you can, but you NEED TO SHOW ME YOUR SIGN FIRST. I will tell you whether it’ll work or not.

Your job is to match new text and elements to whatever is on the original sign.

Some tips:

You can use Photoshop one of two ways:


Guess which one I want… If you’re doing this quickly and get it done in a few minutes, it’s going to look terrible and I’m going to ask you to do it again. This project should take some serious time and effort. You’re going to mess things up and redo or fix them. It’s part of doing a good job.

You do not need to create a new file. Just open the sign image in Photoshop and…

ALWAYS make a copy of the original sign before you start. You should have a layer at the bottom or turned off with the untouched image of the sign!

If it’s obvious that you changed your sign, you did not do a good job. If it’s easy to tell what you changed, you did not do a good job. If you did not do a good job, you will have to go back and try again.

Start by CAREFULLY removing elements to replace. Please DO NOT REPLACE EVERYTHING! Your job is to match new elements with what is already there, so don’t get rid of everything!

When it comes time to add new text, make sure that it is a font that looks the same and is EXACTLY the same colour, and the same size as what was on the sign originally

As always, when your project is complete you need to hand it in to your OneDrive shared folder AND post the project on your Edublogs site!


Previous student examples:



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