Microsoft Word Skills

I’m always amazed at how little many students know about how to properly use some of the most commonly used computer programs in the world. We’ll spend a bit of time going over some of the cool things that you can do in Microsoft Word because you will encounter it so often throughout your life. It is possible to design and put things together in Word and PowerPoint, but if you have access to Adobe applications (or other free alternatives) you’re always going to come up with better results.

By the way, you can access and install Microsoft Office applications for free from your school account. They are normally quite expensive to buy, so if you don’t have Office applications at home yet, this is a great opportunity to get them for free while you’re a student.

Office login (

In order to complete this assignment, you will need to download the file from HERE

The first thing you need to know is that although you can use Word and other Office applications in a web browser without installing them on a computer, the online version is not nearly as good. Make sure you are opening the file in the Word application on your computer, NOT in your browser!

Open this:

The file is pretty self-explanatory and will allow me to see how much you know. Do as much as you can on your own, but we will go over it in class as well.

If you need help, I have some video tutorials, but they are a little old so some program features may look or work a bit differently than they did when I made the tutorials:

part 1

part 2

part 3



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