Category Archives: Digital Video 2015-16

Typing test!

It’s time to see whether that typing practice has paid off or not. We will all be doing a test to see how fast and how accurately you are typing after all of your practice this semester. We are going to consider this an exam. It is going to be worth 15% of your overall grade. Your score will be marked against other students in the class. Whoever gets the highest score (AVERAGE WPM) gets 100%, and your score is compared to that. Whoever ends up with the best time to complete the test gets 100% and your score is compared to that. You want to try to balance both!

Got it? Good.

When you are ready to do your test, I will observe you. You will start from scratch where you are NOT signed in to your account, so your scores and average will be 0.

The text that we will type will come from this fine article: I have edited it slightly to make it a bit shorter and more suitable to you. You may copy and paste the text below. It is what you will use for your test.

Good luck!

Here is the text. Copy the info below and paste it into keybr or use the following text file: TypingTest

Like anything in life, practice makes perfect. I am sure that you have heard that saying before. There is great truth to this fact. If you want to achieve anything in life, you will need to commit yourself to daily practice. This includes everything from playing the piano, competing in sports, and even mastering your typing skills. If you want to improve your typing skills then you will need to commit yourself to daily typing practice. Daily typing practice is the key to your typing success. Neglecting to practice will ensure that whatever gains you have made in speed and accuracy will be lost over time. There is no doubt about it. To keep up with your new skills and to improve your typing, you will need daily typing practice.

In today’s society, typing is the key to getting a great job. Most jobs require some degree of computer work, and knowing how to type quickly and efficiently will make you more marketable than your fellow worker who simply “finger pecks” at the keyboard. You can honestly state, that learning to type is an investment in your career future.

Learning the correct methods of typing while you are young is an important step to ensuring your future success. No one could have imagined fifty years ago how important the Internet would be to our daily lives. Today, living without a computer, or not knowing how to navigate the World Wide Web, sets you at an automatic disadvantage. It is very important that you learn how to type, use Email, use reference tools on the Internet, and handle office programs. Daily typing practice is essential for making all of those tasks simple, effortless, and trouble free.

There are many typing games that may be purchased or found for free on the Internet that will encourage you with your daily typing practice. Many of these typing games offer interactive cartoon tutors, rewards based on levels, and lots of audio to keep you focused. Using one of these programs is a great way to encourage your daily typing practice while creating an atmosphere that is fun. You won’t even know that you are actually “working” at a new skill while playing these games. Games are a great way to work on skills, they completely remove the element of stress and learning takes place in a fun environment. By playing typing games, you will discover that your daily typing practice becomes effortless.

Daily typing practice is essential to making the gains in typing speed and accuracy. By practicing regularly, you will begin to notice significant changes in your work performance or in your home computer use. The more you type and use your new skills, you will discover that instant messaging, E-mail, and writing word documents will become simpler, quicker, and error-free.


Just for fun, here is my score from my first attempt at this same test. I actually did the full article, so mine was a bit longer. Think you can do better?

Just for fun, here is my score from my first attempt at this same test. I actually did the full article, so mine was a bit longer.
Think you can do better?

Here's my score on the actual text that you're doing after one run through of the longer text.

Here’s my score on the actual text that you’re doing after one run through of the longer text.

The Hour of Code (DV)

This week is Computer Science Education Week, and there’s a huge worldwide activity going on this week called The Hour of Code, where millions of people will learn how fun and easy it can be to learn to write computer code. Whether you’re trying to build or fix your own website, animate your designs, write an app for your phone or tablet, or just see what you can teach computers to do, learning code is really important and fun. You have no idea how much you’re capable of doing right now, until you try.

These skills will help make you part of a growing work force of people who require computer science skills. These skills are becoming more important in almost every area of society, and sadly, there aren’t nearly enough people with those skills to fill important positions. By increasing your skills, you give yourself a far greater chance of landing a good job in the future, and unlock worlds of new possibilities now.

Please Join our class:
If you go to, you could just use our class code: IDXUBH

OR you can try it out at CodeHS (a bit more challenging):

Hour of Code: (class code 6DFE)

Larger course: (code E47A)



Animated Titles

We are going to be producing the daily video announcements. Let’s spice up the show a bit. We’ll talk about some of the things that we’re going to do to jazz things up, but let’s start with a flashy show opening.

You can use Photoshop with Premiere Pro to create a dazzling opening sequence! Here’s how:

If your Photoshop skills are a little rusty, there are plenty of tutorials online or in the Robson213Files folder under ICT.

Everyone is responsible for coming up with an animated title sequence. It should only be 10-15 seconds long. Consider using the school logo and school colours. Add some music! Be creative! Make it fun! Make your Photoshop file 1920 x 1080 pixels with a resolution of 300 dpi and a transparent background.

Screen Shot 2015-10-28 at 11.46.31 AM

Planning A Video

Before we go too much into the planning of a video, let’s take a brief look at the process behind making a video: FilmmakingProcess

Good videos ALWAYS come from good plans. Good planning/preparation will save you a lot of time and will allow you to come up with a much more organized, interesting, professional video every time.

Step 1 in the process is to figure out what your video is going to be and WHO it’s for. Figure out the purpose and audience, and you’ll have a much better idea what it should look like & contain.

Info: DefiningYourFilm

Templates: definingfilmform (Word) definingfilmform (pdf)

Once you’ve got all of that figured out, it’s time to start thinking about what it’s going to look like, and you’ll need to figure out what kinds of shots you’ll need to get your message across.


Templates: shot_list_form (Word) shot_list_form (pdf)

If your video involves a script, you need to plan that as well. Information.

The last step in your planning is to come up with a detailed StoryBoard:


Templates: Storyboard (Word) Storyboard (pdf)

OR, to work together, try a Google Document! Google Doc template / Microsoft Word version: VideoPlanningTemplate

OR, try a neat online tool (unfortunately to collaborate with others, you need to pay, but I might have a sneaky way around it) Adobe Story

BEFORE I even consider letting you shoot something, you NEED a DETAILED, COMPLETE PLAN! No exceptions!

Basic Camera Shots

A good video is made up of different camera shots. Sure, the acting/action on the screen is important, but you can do so much more with that acting/action by using the camera to help tell the story. Your camera can be as important an actor as the people/things on screen (often it can tell more!) The way you do that is by varying the look of your shot, and adding some basic movement.

Here’s a great example, and it tells a story by using the different camera shots that you will demonstrate:


When it comes time to put together your video, you want to have as much VARIETY as possible. This will make your video much more appealing than just leaving the viewer watching the same shot for long periods of time. This will also allow you to shift the importance on screen (ie sometimes it’s more important to show the detail of what someone is doing, and sometimes it’s more important to see them in action or talking or whatever.)

Here’s one more video that will give you a good idea of how different camera shots can be used effectively to help tell a story:

Here is a great site with examples of each type of shot/move.

Pay attention to how these shots/moves are used in just about every video you see. Here’s one example of a variety of shots combined into one short film. See if you can count how many shots, keep track of which types of shots, and time each shot.

Today you will demonstrate some of those basic types of shots and movements.

Your first video will include demonstrations of:

Extreme long
Long Shot
Medium long
Close up
Extreme close up

First tip: DON’T ZOOM while recording (except when you are demonstrating a zoom, of course) if you can help it. In fact, keep any movements to a minimum. Instead, we’ll add variety and emphasis through editing. We’ll take different shots of the same thing and cut them together to tell a story.

Before you start shooting any video, please pay attention to the post about Shooting a Video for some tips on how to get the best shots possible.

Your first video!

Today I would like you to get started on your first video project. You have a lot of freedom and options in this project because I’m curious to see what you’re interested in and how much you already know.

I’ll give you a refresher/beginner crash course on iMovie, but if you know another editing program or want to give one of the newer ones a shot, you can, but this project shouldn’t take too long, so don’t make it any more difficult than it needs to be.

As much as possible you should be using materials in your video that are LEGAL for you to use. These include items that you’ve created or photographs that you’ve taken yourself, or CREATIVE COMMONS images, music, and video clips. There are links to many great sources of CREATIVE COMMONS materials on my LINKS page under “Copyright Free Content.”:

Your video should be about something that you enjoy/know something about already, or something you’re interested enough in to research fairly quickly & easily.

Some ideas:

You could take some of the motion picture history contained in the videos we watched (they are in a YouTube video playlist that I’ve created for you.) It should contain some of the most significant developments in motion pictures. Your presentation doesn’t have to contain ALL of the details but it should show the major events/types of films/videos and it should be in YOUR OWN WORDS.

You could also use one of the following ideas (now or later on):

Ms. Werner would like some help with a couple of things:

I’d like a little video animation done explaining:
1. mitosis and meiosis
2. Carbon Cycle and Nitrogen Cycle

I would love to have a “Welcome to St. James Collegiate” video to show students who are new to this school. It should show things like where the cafeteria is and how it works, where the office is and who to talk to, where the bathrooms are, some of the rules people need to know, advice for newcomers, etc.

You could do a brief history of your life and/or education

DV Intro

Intro information

About Mr. Robson:
Humour: (MST3K) (MST3K)

Course Outline:

2 main parts of this class: Digital Video & Keyboarding

Introductions (why did you sign up/what are you hoping for)

IMPORTANT NEW RULE: Do NOT move/turn your computer! The cable is SHORT!

IMac Setup
Mouse setup
Finder prefs (All My Files = Annoying & Must Go Away!)
NO wi-fi!
Save location
Shared folder

IT policy
Safe place
Place to learn
Be nice or leave


Google account
iPhone/iPad App:

iPhone/iPad App:

Share a folder with
